We can draw lessons from prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently called by friends of other faiths as the “Mormon Church”).

I believe a prophet’s example is one of the strongest sermons given over the pulpit of life.


Thomas Monson; Mormon ProphetIn John 1:35-36, John the Baptist discerned Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the Law of Moses, saying, “Behold the Lamb of God.”

I hope to increase my visual acuity of the Savior, discerning who He really is and what He means to me: His divinity, His doctrine, His Atonement He alone could only perform, and His work shouldered by prophets and apostles even to this day.

John’s special witness of Jesus did not fall on deaf ears either.

In verse 37, we read, “And the two disciples heard him speak …”

I’m impressed at the two disciples’ proximity to the prophet whom God had chosen for their time. They were within earshot of the prophet. I feel encouraged to look at my spiritual proximity to God’s prophets whom He has chosen for our time. Am I within earshot of the current prophet, availing myself of different communication means to receive counsel?

“We are confident that as the work of the Lord expands, He will inspire men to develop the means whereby the membership of the Church, wherever they may be, can be counseled in an intimate and personal way by His chosen prophet,” said late LDS (“Mormon”) President and Prophet, Gordon B Hinckley in 1981 (Faith The Essence of True Religion).

We are led by a prophet (“Mormon prophet”) today. His name is President Thomas S. Monson, a world leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Monson and his two counselors, who are also latter-day prophets and apostles, take their turn to write an
inspiring message.

The monthly messages are published in church magazines, Ensign and Liahona. Further, church leaders speak twice a year to members and friends in a worldwide meeting called general conference. The First Presidency Message and talks from general conference are available on lds.org. Moreover, read how prophets and apostles minister throughout the world.


The two disciples with John the Baptist also had “ears to hear” (Matt 11:15), hearing what they needed to hear.
Elder Eyring, a living apostle of Jesus Christ, profiles a disciple with the following attributes:

  • Desiring to hear.
  • Knowing how to hear.
  • Having faith that he/she can hear.

Samuel Chambers, a black Mormon pioneer, was such a person, whose heart and ears were tuned to listen for God’s voice through his chosen servants. “I cain’t read. I cain’t write, but I can feel what God be sayin’ to me,” said Chambers.
Sister Thompson of the Relief Society General Presidency posed two commonly asked questions:

  • What is the answer to my problems?
  • How can I know what to do?

Thompson gives a straightforward answer:

“We need to desire to receive revelation, we must not harden our hearts, and then we need to ask in faith, truly believe that we will receive an answer…” (October, 2011, Personal Revelation and Testimony).

The two biblical disciples mentioned above not only stayed close enough to hear the prophet, but they chose to act on his testimony of the Savior as indicated in the latter half of verse 37 of John chapter one, “…and they followed Jesus.”

God has surely done his part: to call prophets to lead His children in these last days.

“As long as [a] prophet lived, the Lord revealed his will to that generation through him,” wrote President George J Romney. “And it is significant how much of what he revealed dealt with the issues of that day.”

I can, in turn, receive guidance by the Lord no matter how challenging the circumstance. The Holy Ghost, for example, can show me how to best support my dear friend during his episodes of depression. Or, I can receive an impression on how to make the best use of my individual and family time when schedules conflict, overload and appear unmanageable.

The onus is on me whether or not I’ll do my part: to position a listening ear to God’s prophet.

My part requires the exercise of study and faith, a holy communion of mind and heart.

Elder Romney, Latter-day Saint (“Mormon”) apostle, wrote:

“Those who will through mighty prayer and earnest study inform themselves as to what the living prophets say and who will act upon it will be visited by the Spirit of the Lord and know by the spirit of revelation that they speak the mind and will of the Father.” (Marion G. Romney, 1977, Learning for the Eternities.pp 107- 108).

This process, however, is more than mental assent. Thompson emphasized the importance of diligently keeping the commandments of God, transforming mere belief into saving faith or faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


If I stay close to living prophets, I’ll stay close to the Savior. If I listen to modern prophets, I’ll know through the Spirit what God would have me do here and now. It then becomes my privilege to act accordingly as I strive to keep God’s commandments.

Ways To Hear The Prophets:


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