Thomas Monson and the Family From Germany

Thomas Monson and the Family From Germany

Thomas Monson tells sometimes of a man who came to his home when he was a bishop in 1951. A bishop is like a pastor or minister, except that he is unpaid, and serves for a number of years in his “spare” time while raising a family and managing a career. The man said...
Serving the Individual

Serving the Individual

Before President Monson was the prophet, he was an apostle. An apostle serves under the direction of the prophet, with church-wide responsibility. During this time, he visited Germany. His guide for this trip was Dieter F. Uchtdorf, who is now a member of the...
Thomas S. Monson’s Service to Widows

Thomas S. Monson’s Service to Widows

Thomas S. Monson, prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members are sometimes called Mormons, was called to be a bishop when he was just twenty-two years old. A bishop is similar to a pastor, but he runs his ward (congregation) as a lay...
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