“Strive always to retain that childlike faith which can move mountains and bring heaven closer to heart and home.”
(“A Code to Live By,” New Era, Sep 2005, 4)
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by | Jan 31, 2008 | Quotes by Thomas Monson | 2 comments
“Strive always to retain that childlike faith which can move mountains and bring heaven closer to heart and home.”
(“A Code to Live By,” New Era, Sep 2005, 4)
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Me and my husband have nine children and he has been called to serve as a executive secretary for the ward for five years now. Now that he just called to be the 2nd counselors to the bishopric I just felt that it was too much for me. As I went to the church sites and I came across this quotes and it really help strengthen my testimony. I know I can do it. I have done it for five years now. I can do it for however long the lord wanted him to serve. Thank you so much for the spirit that this quotes brings into my life. I needed something or someone to give me the encouragement and i found it in this quote. I prayed that God would give me the strength to be strong and to help in building up the kingdom of heaven here on earth.
This is the most awesome quote in the world.It has helped me stay true to the gospel,and overcome many trials.