Thomas S. Monson on Duty

Thomas S. Monson, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, frequently encourages the Mormons to do their duty. “I love, I cherish the noble word duty (Thomas S. Monson, “The Call of Duty,” Ensign, May 1986, 37). As a man who devoted his life to...

Thomas S. Monson Quotes About Obedience

One of President Monson’s favorite topics is obedience. He knows that if we obey, we will be happier in the eternal scheme of things. His years of being raised by good parents and his decades of leadership experience both in business and in the church have taught him...
Thomas S. Monson on Teachers

Thomas S. Monson on Teachers

Mormons are full supporters of education, both secular and religious. They encourage people to get all the education they can, not just in childhood, but throughout the lives. Whether the education is formal or informal, the teacher has a valued role in Church...
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